EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook – PDF Free Download.
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As such, this is not a problem, because EPLAN creates a report on the auxiliary contacts used in the schematic on the basis of the settings of the Display tab in the Contact image selection field the selection here is set to On component.
This way, the contacts used and their cross-references are displayed automatically. Fig Automatic cross-referencing This does not matter provided that both or all auxiliary contacts that have such a motor overload switch are also used in the schematic. Not all auxiliary contacts are always used, and EPLAN would display the motor overload switch only with the auxiliary contacts used as graphical representation at the motor overload switch. The other auxiliary contacts physically exist but are suppressed with this setting.
To display those contacts anyway, a device with the appropriate Function definition must be assigned to the Motor overload switch symbol. Fig New device selection. The Interconnect devices dialog can be filled with various data after it is called up. If these entries are not required, then you can simply delete them. You delete entries by selecting them and then clicking the delete button. If this is not possible, then you can also delete the entries in the fields device source, device target, and cable DT.
To do this, you click the field, select the desired entry, and then press the Del key. All entries are deleted after this, and new devices can be selected and interconnected. New devices are selected in the device source and device target fields using the button. In this dialog, the desired devices for the source and target one of each are selected, and the selection is applied by clicking the OK button.
Fig Interconnect devices dialog. EPLAN finishes the numbering process by writing back the new cable device tags. Fig Changed cable device tags The default settings for the schemes for the different cable editing functions, such as e.
Fig Default settings for cable editing functions. All connection point designations are correctly transferred to the PLC terminals. But this only works if the addresses have been entered correctly. EPLAN derives the data types from the functions. Fig Set data type. Once again, predefined or user-defined filters can be used to control the output of the cable connection diagram and thus display only the required project cables.
This is a special form that can be used to e. Everything is displayed together on a single report page. You can also use the familiar filter and sorting options to e. You use the structure identifier overview to obtain an overview of all the structure identifiers assigned or also unused in the project. Filters and sorting cannot be selected for devices because these are already manually selected. Filters and sorting can be used for the functions themselves, though data such as plug pin or terminal.
The reports hang on the cursor and can now be placed on the active schematic page. Fig All reports are manually placed. Note: The Manual selection option cannot be used with all report types. This is not allowed for technical programming reasons.
Therefore, you should hide the dialog unless you need it. When project editing is almost finished and the project is to be checked for faulty entries, the dialog can be displayed for extra information, since all Errors, Warnings, and Notes generated by the corresponding Check run are listed here.
Fig Message management When you start editing a project in EPLAN, various actions, such as inserting entire pages from other projects or inserting existing macros into the project, can result in unwanted data in the various databases. For example, unwanted device combinations are created or new structure identifiers are added to the project. You cannot really avoid the creation of such data that do not really belong to the project without being constantly interrupted in your actual project editing.
To make sure that you do not forget to change this unwanted data, EPLAN provides an online monitoring feature, or you can use manual check runs to check the project using a specified scheme offline and generate messages in the message database The visual appearance of message management The dialog supports the user with the following features: Display of the message type, the message priority, and further information such as a brief message description or the jump point to the faulty position in the project.
Small colored icons make it easy to visually distinguish between the different types of messages. Error Warning Note For example: Duplicate connection point designation For example: Connection point description missing For example: A placement lies outside the range.
Layers are an essential element originating from mechanical engineering CAD. Information of the same type e. For example, the form, color, font size or other formats of this layer can later be changed at a central place easily and without errors. This is a great advantage, because otherwise every property that is not located in a layer must be manually edited. The layer management makes such editing actions a piece of cake.
The Layer management dialog is displayed. The layer management is a project-specific setting, and you can recognize this from the window title bar that displays the currently active project. The layer management has the following structure. The dialog has windows at the left and right sides. The left window contains a tree with the superior layer designations nodes and any subnodes and then the layer designation EPLANxyz , and the right window contains the associated sub-entries the actual layer information.
For example, these entries can be used for filtering purposes or as a sorting characteristic for the tree configuration. The entries themselves are limited to characters. Fig Attributes tab The Mounting data tab contains all the information that is necessary to use the part, for example, for a mounting panel layout.
A stored image file can also be useful, because this information is evaluated at different locations in EPLAN. Fig Mounting data tab. To do this, you click the [ Then, the Settings: Compression dialog opens. Fig Settings options for a compression scheme Here you can use the familiar graphical buttons to create a new scheme or copy and change an existing scheme.
In the lower Data to be compressed field, EPLAN offers a number of actions that can be performed during the compression. This setting removes all unused forms from the project and the project then contains only forms that are actually used. Fig Setting to remove unnecessary forms Note: If, for example, forms documentation was created before the compression, all forms including the unused ones remain stored in the project, because they are needed for the forms documentation.
Here, the reports should be removed, especially the forms documentation, prior to the compression. The other, second, method is to use filters for the compression process. As usual, filters can be set and are either created or edited as schemes.
But which project that is does not matter in this context. Fig Example representation for master data opened for editing Generally, you always edit system master data. Fig Prompt when stored master data have been modified If modified master data is also to be used in the current project, following the modification of master data the system master data must be synchronized with the project master data, i.
Otherwise, the modifications to the master data will not take effect in the current project, because they will not have been updated yet at that time. The option to create outlines is not discussed further at this point, because this is a subject related to mechanics and of less use to the actual electrical enclosure project planning. You can now confirm this selection by clicking OK. Fig Preselection left and selection right of the property EPLAN closes the dialog and transfers the selected placeholder text into the dialog of the same name.
Fig Applied placeholder text Now confirm the Placeholder text dialog by clicking OK; the placeholder text now hangs on the cursor and can be placed at any sensible position in the form. Fig Choice of placement As with any other free text, placeholder text can be freely formatted. This allows the form to be appropriately constructed.
It is also possible to subsequently modify placeholder text and select a different one. To do this, select the placeholder text and display its properties by double-clicking or via the popup menu.
You then proceed as described above. You use the button to call up the subsequent dialogs and select, apply and place other properties in the usual manner. Upon completion, the form can be checked. To do this, one or more devices are selected and the Place menu entry in the popup menu is selected. The selected devices are now hanging on the cursor and can be placed in the layout space. Note: The 3D mounting layout navigator only displays those devices that have a part entry.
Regardless of whether this part has additional technical data, such as width, height, macro data, or the like! Fig Project-specific setting 1. To do this, you directly activate the mounting panel in the layout space navigator so that the front view is visible in the 3D view. To do this, you select mounting panel front in the layout space navigator and select the Activate directly entry in the popup menu.
Fig Inserted terminal box Fig Selecting the mounting panel front. Before placement, you call up the Placement options. The upper cable duct should be placed 50 millimeters from the upper edge and 10 millimeters from the left edge of the mounting panel. Then you should extend the cable duct s length to the right edge, where it is also placed 10 millimeters from the edge.
Fig The mounting panel front is now activated. To do this, you directly activate the door s exterior in the layout space navigator and set the view to 3D viewpoint front. You select the signal lamp in the 3D mounting layout navigator, call up the Place function, and then right-click the placement options. You enter a distance of millimeters from the upper edge of the door. Then confirm the dialog with OK; now you can grab the middle of the upper edge with the snap functions and click the left mouse button.
EPLAN now places the signal lamp in the center at a distance of millimeters from the edge. Fig Before placement of the signal lamp This is how the result looks in the 3D view. Fig Grabbing the center Fig Final result: equipped enclosure.
As the name describes, project options are various options for partial areas of a project. This can mean that e. This cannot be implemented using value set macros but is possible using the Project options module. To do this, the desired options are displayed or hidden. Project options cannot be created across projects. They are only available for the project where they have been created.
However, template projects with project options can be created Terminology in the Project options module The term project options is always used here.
Project options are a type of generic term. To help to understand project options, the following section contains a brief explanation of the terms used. Project options group this function allows the grouping of project options. They can contain several project options but only one project option at a time can be switched on.
All other project options in the project options group are then switched off. Project options groups can only be created in the project options navigator. Project options these are partial areas of a project that can be switched on and off as desired. They can consist of one or more extracts, pages, or page areas, or of unplaced objects. Project options can also only be created in the navigator. Section a section is always assigned to a project option. A section can consist of a partial circuit, a complete page, or several pages.
Unplaced objects are also possible in sections. Fig Starting up the project options navigator and the navigator itself. EPLAN offers an easy option for automatically creating reports in a broad range of forms. All that is required is a form of the project options overview type and a report or report template. The image offers an example of how this kind of overview of the options used may appear in a report. Of course, you can work here with filters and sortings so that for example your report only includes the active options in the form.
Fig Generated automatic options overview. Answer: If you see a red exclamation mark on a device, it means that a message has been received for this device via the message navigator. Fig Symbol properties Simply open the message navigator, check off Selection, select the device in the device navigator, and precisely the message or messages will be displayed that have been generated for this device during the check run.
Answer: In this case, the project in question is not of the schematic project type, but a project of the macro project type. These limitations are typical of macro projects.
Question: Can I change the project structure page structure subsequently? Answer: No. Question: Where and how can I define a description for my structure identifiers?
Answer: To define a description for structure identifiers depending on the setting , you can use the Place identifiers dialog which is opened automatically by EPLAN when entering an unknown structure identifier to the project , or you can add it later directly in Structure identifier management Project data menu. Question: Can I change the row height and thus font size of the display , for example, in the Properties components dialog, or also in the Edit in table mode, etc.
Fig Change size of rows – before Answer: Yes, this is possible. To increase the row height and thus font size of the display , you must click on the corresponding display, then keep the CTRL key pressed and turn the scroll wheel of the mouse. Depending on the direction, the display will be increased or reduced.
Fig Change size of rows – after. Fig Correct terminal strip Note: For the correction function to work, you must select at least one terminal in the project. Question: How can I generate plug definitions automatically?
If the function is to be executed for the entire project, the Apply to entire project setting must be selected. Fig Correct plugs After you click on the OK button, EPLAN generates the definitions as unplaced functions visible in the corresponding navigators, and from here they can also be placed on pages if necessary.
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TestManager Setup Overview TestManager Roles Connection to the TestManager. The information in this guide is subject to change without notice. We cannot be held liable. Here you can now use the familiar graphical buttons to move or sort the properties. Forms reports are distinguished by report type. Some properties are shared by all types of forms, but there are also properties that apply only to specific report types. Form properties can only be edited in the form editor.
An example of this is the Path areas property and its size. Plot frame properties can only be edited in the plot frame editor. This is not unusual in such an extensive program. At this point, I would like to draw special attention to a number of dialog elements that occur repeatedly in many dialogs. It is therefore important to know what they mean and how they can be used. Graphical buttons play an important role because they provide easy access to most of the functions and procedures in EPLAN.
This means that they always have the same structure, regardless of whether it is a device dialog for a motor overload switch or a transformer or any other component. Here is a list of the most commonly used buttons and what they mean. The number of buttons can vary here. Move the selected entries to the start of the list Move the selected entries to the end of the list Swap two selected entries swap positions In contrast to the graphical buttons in the device dialog, multiple entries can be selected here.
The functions provided by the other graphical buttons have already been described. Additional buttons in the Filter or Sorting dialogs: Edit entry Copy entry 2. Clicking the button itself displays the same popup menu. It is very useful in dialogs that open files or directories.
Here you can quickly set the default directories, without having to click all the way through to the default directory. The default setting is defined in the symbol structure and cannot be changed here. To change these default settings, you have to edit the symbols. I recommend that you do not make any changes to the symbol libraries that came with EPLAN since changes may make them incompatible with newer versions of EPLAN symbol libraries, making synchronization impossible.
Once they have been changed, they initially appear in the property arrangement with the designation User-defined. This returns all manually changed settings on a symbol back to the default values defined for the symbol. This user-defined arrangement can also be saved via the button and then called up or set at similar symbols. You can assign a descriptive name to the property arrangement. After you click OK, this property arrangement is saved, entered into the selection field and is then available to all symbol variants.
The Use as default option allows EPLAN to immediately the next time you insert the same symbol and automatically use your own property arrangement. Though the dialogs may be somewhat different, the basic principle always remains very similar.
A normal text dialog is used as an example here. To format the text according to your personal wishes, you need to switch to the Format tab. You can freely format the text you just entered. You can edit all selection fields or select default values. These schemes are then always available for new versions, other projects or other workstations depending on the installation. This way, during an import, only those scheme types that can actually be imported into the current scheme are displayed.
System master data is stored in the directories with the associated user directory that were set during installation. In addition to the user-specific system master data, the original EPLAN system master data is also installed in the EPLAN original master data directory depending on the directory selected during the installation.
In case of a new installation or installation of an update, the user-specific system master data is not overwritten or updated. In the following dialog, you can then update your own system master data accordingly. System master data contains data such as symbol libraries with the associated symbols, function definitions, forms and plot frames. Project master data is the other type of master data.
Project master data, after initial use, is moved from the system master data and stored in the project; after it is stored it is independent of the system master data. However, to increase your own working speed, EPLAN is very flexible in allowing functions accessed with the mouse to also be accessed via definable keyboard shortcuts.
Normally functions can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut if they are also accessible in the main menus, such as Page, Project etc. This function can be assigned a keyboard shortcut because it is a normal menu command. It is possible, but not recommended. Here are a number of recommended keyboard shortcuts that have proven useful in practice. Admittedly, many menu items are easier to reach with the mouse than with cryptic key combinations that one usually cannot remember.
This makes it possible to always call up your own user interface configuration when you start up EPLAN on the same computer.
EPLAN allows you to create separate workspaces for particular areas that contain exactly these desired toolbars, views or dialogs. A new workspace is created via the button.
You should enter a name in the empty Name field and a sensible description for the workspace in the Description field. EPLAN has a number of different dialog representations in the navigators to ensure information is clearly displayed.
Similar to Windows Explorer, all information is displayed in a tree with small symbols. No changes to the form and content of the tree view are possible.
EPLAN provides no options for this here. This is where you can define how devices should be shown in the tree view, for example, by identifier or by the page prefix. This representation type offers many more customization options to suit your working habits. As with the tree view, EPLAN shows all devices here as well again depending on the navigator that was selected. The cable navigator shows only cables, the terminal navigator shows only devices with the terminal function type, etc.
To add more information, you right click to call up the popup menu or press the button and then select Configure columns. You can now select or deselect columns and change their order. Click the OK button to save the settings.
You now have a personalized list view. Here it is possible to preselect, for instance by selecting the Cable node. In the lower area, the preselected parts are shown in a clear list with additional specific information. Edit in table is usually accessed from the tree view by right clicking to access the popup menu or via the button.
Unlike the previous representations tree or list view , only the devices and their functions that were previously selected in the navigator are displayed.
All editing functions, such as Copy, Paste and Edit, can be used when editing tables. The only limitations are the naming conventions of the Windows system being used. When the page and device structures are defined, a project has all the properties it needs, such as the device structure the structure identifier, e.
Data added later, such as forms, is also stored in the project. This ensures that this project can later be edited with exactly the same data used when the project was created, or which was generated at the beginning of project editing, or was later stored in the project. A macro project is used for creating and automatically generating window macros, and for managing macros. Logical functions such as cross-references or connection information are not supported in a macro project nor are they displayed.
If necessary, a schematic project can easily be modified by changing the property from schematic project to macro project. Master data e. And of course the system master data can also be manually synchronized with the project master data. It is also possible to synchronize in the other direction, to synchronize the project master data with the system master data. This is the case, for example, when connection points are added to existing, placed 3.
Explorer by double clicking the Projectname. Another possibility is to drag Projectname. EPLAN then opens the project. EPLAN distinguishes between the project types described in the following section. EPLAN manages different project types as schematic projects. All other types of projects e. A project template contains preconfigured values. Later, when using the template for a new project, the project and page structure can be changed one time. But project templates can also contain pages.
In the Create project template dialog that is displayed, you need to define the storage location and the name of the new project template. It is a good idea to create a project templates directory below the root directory, possibly with separate folders for each customer. Basic projects are, for example, projects prefilled with appropriate customer values such as a predefined page structure, sample pages, graphical report templates, various master data, and much more.
EPLAN then executes a number of functions to create the basic project. Afterward, the Create basic project dialog opens and this is where you define the directory and the project name of the basic project to be created. Once basic projects or project templates have been created, they cannot be later changed i.
However, they can be overwritten with new or modified data. There are two ways of doing this directly from project editing. EPLAN comes with several basic projects and project templates. The third way to create a new project is via the optional project management. A new project based on an existing basic project or project template can be created here just as fast as via the Project menu. Of course it is also possible to simply copy a project and give it a different name.
This can be a project template or a basic project. You simply click the More button. In this example, the basic project Handbook. You can select the relevant project type in the File type field. EPLAN then returns to the Create project dialog and imports the selected basic project or the template project into the Template field. The new project is created from the selected basic project. This may take a while depending on the hardware and the storage location server, local.
You do not necessarily need to edit these at the moment. This can be done later during project editing.
The project properties can now be adjusted or completely changed on the Properties, Structure etc. There is one limitation: The structure of the pages, located in the Structure tab, can no longer be changed grayed out. It is fixed because the page structure was defined in the basic project.
The project can now be edited. This dialog contains several tabs Project, Structure or Numbering and Properties. You must enter data into at least the Project tab the PPE tab is only visible when you have a license for this. The Extras button allows you to view a summary of the project in the browser. However, this only functions after the first Project tab has been successfully completed. The Back button returns you to the previous tab.
Here too, this only functions when all necessary information has been entered in the Project tab and EPLAN has created the project, or if you can move to the next tab by pressing Next. Once all necessary entries have been made on the current tab, the Next button becomes enabled and you can switch to the next tab.
The Finish button has a special function. It allows the project creation to be finished without making any further manual entries. The Cancel button is used to stop and exit the New project wizard at any time. Back to the tabs: The Project tab is the main core of the project wizard.
The information required on this tab is mandatory for creating a new project. These tabs can be edited or changed later Exceptions: the Structure tab and the Pages selection field cannot be changed at a later point in time.
Note: The project name is not checked to see if it already exists until a template project template or basic project has been selected and the Next button has been clicked. The action can then still be cancelled.
This can, of course, be changed to any other name. The usual range of templates and basic projects are available for selection.
Any storage location can be selected using the button. EPLAN requires no information other than these three entries. In this case clicking F the Finish button , EPLAN would just use the settings on the other tabs for the new project, generate the project, and close the project wizard.
You can, but do not have to, fill in the information under Specify creation date and Specify creator. Note: These fields cannot be changed later on.
It is therefore very important to make sure you enter the correct data. The Import project dialog is displayed. The process can be cancelled here if desired. Depending on the amount of data, the import may take a while.
You can still select, for instance, a different template project or storage location by clicking the Back button. On the Structure tab, you define the subsequent page structure and the structure of the individual device groups for the project. Note: Once you have saved the structure set for the pages, it cannot be changed.
This applies only to the structure settings of pages. All other structure settings, such as general devices, can be changed later. Example: The Higher-level function and mounting location scheme was set for interruption points. The Superior option was also set. The possible changes, however, depend on the page scheme set.
Certain preconditions exist here for the nesting of devices. Note: Apart from the page structure, which is the most important property, all other settings can be changed at a later date.
It is a good idea to select at least the Higher-level function and mounting location scheme. When such a scheme is set, EPLAN does not necessarily expect a higher-level function or mounting location this is also true for other structure identifiers.
Therefore, you can also use this scheme to create schematics with consecutively numbered pages. If you later discover that one of the two identifiers is to be used after all, the pages can still easily be changed to the desired higher-level function or mounting location structure.
The Synchronize master data dialog opens. The standard plot frame can be selected from the system master data pool and is then stored by EPLAN in the project automatically. The path numbering can be globally set as page-based here default value Page-oriented: every page then begins, for example, with path 1 and ends with path 10 , or the path numbering is to function across all pages.
Across pages default value Project-oriented means that the paths are numbered across all pages. For example, path 1 starts on page 1 and path 30 ends on page 3.
Note: All these settings can be modified as desired later on in the project settings. On this tab, you can also use in the drop-down field to specify a predefined DT numbering scheme for how new devices are to be numbered online when they are inserted.
Here too you can select existing schemes from the selection list. You can also use the button to select a scheme from the selection list.
They can be applied or changed at this point. You use the New button to create new schemes and later assign them to the project. You should use a unified directory structure to make exported schemes easier to find. All fields on the Numbering tab have now been entered. Clicking the Next button takes you to the Properties tab, which contains general, non-essential descriptive information about the project.
For example, to fill the plot frame with information, such as customer name or the name of the person responsible for the project, from the project properties, this information must be entered in the project properties. This is not essential at this point because this is only descriptive information about the project that can be entered at a later date.
When you click the Finish button, the project is generated and can be opened in the page navigator the page overview. The graphical editor contains all the functions you need to edit a project. To provide a certain level of clarity and make it easy to edit the page properties, EPLAN has a page navigator.
The small symbols preceding the names graphically differentiate identifiers and pages. The sorting of the identifiers is defined in structure identifier management, i. EPLAN examines these page types for logical information and evaluates them accordingly cross-references, etc.
The Graphical page type or the model view, on the other hand, are purely graphical non-logical pages that initially do not contain logical information. EPLAN also makes a distinction between pages that can be edited interactive pages and pages that are generated automatic pages. The Panel layout page type is an example of an interactive page and the Terminal diagram page type is an example of a generated automatic page. The exception is that there is no page type in the layout space.
The layout space is the basis of the 3D representation of enclosures or other components used for the panel layout; here it only provides a view of the 3D data and its further processing. You access the popup menu functions via the right mouse button or the page navigator.
The procedure is the same when using the popup menu, except that in this case you select the New menu entry. The New page dialog then opens. New page dialog There are now two ways to integrate the new page into an existing page structure. You can define the full page name in the Full page name field. You can either manually change the existing entry or enter a completely new value with a prefix for the structure identifier. Alternatively, you can use the button to call up the Full page name dialog.
EPLAN opens the Full page name dialog, whereby every identifier has its own input field and own selection button, which can be used to branch to the selection dialog for the selected identifier.
Clicking OK applies the selected identifiers. Note: If an existing identifier cannot be applied, then the new identifier can also be directly entered into the [Identifier type] input field in the Full page name dialog. EPLAN saves new identifiers in the order defined in the settings. There are no other query dialogs. If all settings and entries have been entered in the New page dialog and any missing structure identifiers have been created, the dialog can be closed. This is nothing new. The Open in new window menu item in the page navigator popup menu is more interesting and useful.
This menu item allows you to open several pages or even open the same page several times. The procedure is simple. In the page navigator, you select the page or pages it is possible to open several pages at once , right click to open the popup menu and select Open in new window. EPLAN then opens all selected pages. With three pages, the sequence starts at page 1 followed by page 2, page 3, back to page 1, etc.
EPLAN then closes all selected pages. To create a new page that uses the content of an existing page, you need to copy one or more pages. EPLAN then draws a thick gray border around the page to show it is selected. Copying pages within a project and across projects Fig. EPLAN always suggests the highest free page name available in this structure. Once all entries are correct, you click OK to apply the page. After selecting the desired setting, you exit the dialog by clicking OK. EPLAN then copies the source page, generates a new target page, and sorts it into the page structure.
Again the following applies when copying pages: Without asking for confirmation, EPLAN automatically sorts new identifiers into the existing structure alphabetically or at the end, depending on the setting.
They can be resorted later in structure identifier management. You can, of course, copy more than one page. After you make all desired entries and confirm any subsequent dialogs, these pages are inserted into the EPLAN project in the selected structure. These two commands always relate to the selected pages. All page-related commands, i. Since you can open and edit several projects at once in the EPLAN page navigator, it is very useful to have a function that lets you conveniently copy pages from one project to another.
As already mentioned, a project does not need to be open in the page navigator in order to copy pages from it. The lower area of the Copy pages dialog shows additional information about the selected page. A preview for the selected pages can also be activated.
The right field in the Copy pages dialog is fixed and always indicates the current project. It cannot be changed. You can use the any other project. Initially, only projects currently open in the page navigator are listed. In this dialog, you can select and open one or more projects to be used in the Project selection dialog. First you select the project s , then click Open to add the selected project s to the Project selection dialog.
Note: Only one project at a time can be added to the selection for the Copy pages dialog. However, EPLAN remembers the projects that were added to the Project selection dialog so that later copying can take place without having to re-select a project. When you need to copy many subpages and convert them to main pages, for example. Any follow-up dialogs, such as the Insertion mode dialog, must be confirmed as required. This completes the copying of pages from external projects.
You can now copy pages from other projects. If this is not required, you can exit the Copy pages dialog with the Close button. EPLAN closes the dialog and all temporarily opened projects and returns to graphical editing of the currently opened project. This page name can include alphanumeric characters. The page name number is renamed using the Rename page menu item. In the page navigator, you can also simply select the page and press the F2 key.
EPLAN then lets you change the page name number without directly opening the page properties of this page. Pressing Enter saves the changed page name number.
Renaming the page name number Fig. Sometimes you need to delete them. You are already familiar with the procedure. The pages to be deleted are selected in the page navigator and then deleted using the Delete function in the page navigator popup menu or by pressing the DEL key.
Before the actual deletion, EPLAN displays a Delete pages dialog with a warning message asking if the page s should actually be deleted. Note: I recommend that you read the messages carefully before blindly clicking Yes or Yes to all. Note: The following is very important and should be noted when deleting pages. It makes a difference how pages are selected in thepage navigator. Only these four pages will be deleted. In Fig. Unintentional deletion of pages is usually noticed immediately, since the page navigator is updated after a deletion and the missing pages, higher-level functions, or locations are or should be immediately obvious.
Note: If the project was closed in the interim, the deleted pages are irretrievably lost! This prevents accidental deletion of entire projects from the page navigator popup menu. It closes open pages. The Close function is accessible in the Page menu and also via the page navigator popup menu. It is possible to select several open pages in the page navigator and close them all at once. The Close function only closes the project page s and not the project, not even if it is selected.
The Full page name can be changed for example, you could change the page number from 2 to 3, which will move the page or modify the Page description. The Properties area displays additional properties, such as page scale Scale or the currently set grid Grid.
These properties can all be edited when they are not grayed out. New properties are added via the button. Here you can select the desired properties multiple selections are possible and apply them in the Page properties display by clicking the OK button. If several pages are selected in the page navigator and the popup menu is then used to call the Properties function, then the properties of all selected pages can be edited in a single step.
Edit the properties of multiple pages Fig. If the page properties are different from each other, then they are displayed visually using the string in the corresponding input fields. Note: Care should be taken when changing fields containing the string because when an entry in a field is changed, all other entries that are not the same on other pages are overwritten with the new changed value. When all entries are complete, you can exit the Page properties dialog by clicking OK.
EPLAN saves all entries and then closes the dialog. Double-clicking an empty area will not open the page properties. To do so, you first create a filter scheme and then activate the quick entry column. You only have to set one, like here in the Page type. You simply activate the required value, here the to-be-filtered page type. Note: The filter function from previous versions prior to the Versions 2. This can still be used to filter search results or to find and filter specific structure identifiers.
The main area is the working area for editing the schematic the graphical editor. A number of dialogs can be associated with the main area.
These range from the page navigator to user-defined toolbars. The graphical editor is not restricted to a single representation. The familiar idea of workspaces can be used to rapidly switch the entire EPLAN user interface from one representation to another, including all the associated dialogs, toolbars, etc. The most important function of the title bar is the display of the currently open project name.
This display can be customized by the user. The information logic shows the page type and the scale of this page. The example shows an open logical page at a scale of This does not apply to all functions, but looking at the status bar can be a great help for some EPLAN actions.
The last characters in the status bar have the following meaning: The hash means that the project contains connections that have not been updated. This is easy to remember and the command then only requires a single keystroke. This opens the Synchronize master data dialog. The current system messages can then be read here. When the System messages dialog is closed, the icon disappears until the next system message occurs.
There are different points of view: the graphical system and the logical systems for the areas of electrical engineering, fluid power and process engineering. This means that when the page scale changes, the page is enlarged upwards and to the right. These positions are always measured from the original element and its origin usually the so-called insertion point in different directions.
The grid is visually displayed with small dots. They can all be assigned to a keyboard shortcut as well. This function enables or disables Snap to grid. When Snap to grid is enabled, elements can only be placed on the activated grid. Intermediate positions or free placement are not possible.
When the grid snap is switched off, then all elements can be freely placed this also applies to logic elements such as symbols. This Snap to grid function allows you to align different elements outside the grid to the currently set grid. The design mode allows you to align graphical elements to specific points, i.
If the design mode is enabled, first you select the action, Move for example, and then you select the object and define its starting and end points. Then use the mouse to pull a window around the misaligned elements. The window can be pulled in any direction.
When finished all elements are contained in the window , release the mouse button and EPLAN will align all elements that are inside the window to the grid. It also works the other way around. First select the object s you want to align and then click the button. EPLAN will then align the selected objects to the set grid. These two features relate to the cursor position. If the Use graphical coordinates option is deactivated, then it is only possible to enter integer values, such as 1, 3 or If the Use graphical coordinates option is activated, then it is also possible to enter real numbers such as 1.
Increment input Fig. Coordinate input Fig. The X and Y positions can be directly entered in this dialog. Note: The mouse should not be used here because it would probably shift the position where you want to jump. During coordinate input, it is also possible to switch between the different coordinate systems graphic, electrical engineering, fluid power and process engineering.
The Relative coordinate input function is accessed via the Options menu. This means that you could start drawing a new line and then call the relative coordinate input. In the simplest case, you could enter the length of the line, and EPLAN would use this length, place the cursor in the position and terminate the drawing of the line.
In contrast to the static coordinate input, the input here is always relative to the current cursor position.
Note: If a grid is enabled and the jump to the cursor end point is not on the grid, EPLAN will still jump to the next grid point. You should take this into consideration when drawing. In order to redefine the base point, for example, to calculate the horizontal values from the center of the circle, you place the cursor on the center, press the O key and then press Enter.
All positions are immediately calculated using this new base point and displayed in the status bar. You can reset the base point shift using the O key or you can simply change pages. EPLAN also offers true to scale drawings with many dimensioning possibilities and many additional well-known CAD functions, such as stretching, trimming modifying the length and grouping of elements.
This will not be explained in detail here because the calls and the functions are very simple and easy to understand. Tip: When using the graphical functions, it is a good idea to switch on the Grid or to enable the Snap to grid function. Now there are three options. In addition to the pure graphical functions, such as drawing a rectangle or circle, EPLAN also lets you edit these graphical objects later. Such editing could include the following: changing the length of graphical elements, cutting out parts of graphical elements, rounding corners and much more.
Note: All these examples were carried out with the input box in the Options menu activated. Then, you have to define the center of rotation around which the object is to be rotated.
Now you enter the rotation angle directly in the input box and confirm with Enter. EPLAN has rotated the object. You can also rotate pure symbols components.
But you can only use the rotation angles that already exist as a symbol variant. Then you select the object to be mirrored.
You can also mirror pure symbols components. But you can only use the mirroring angles that already exist as a symbol variant. You must enter a decimal point in the scaling factor for it to work. Then, you select the right-hand section of the rectangle in this example with a window. EPLAN places round markers in the corners and waits for you to define the starting point of the stretch.
Note: Using cutoff for grouped objects is not quite the same. If you want to cut sections off grouped objects, you have to keep the SHIFT key pressed and then cut the relevant section.
After launching the function, you can click the desired corner and define the fillet radius in the input box. Chamfer does not fillet corners, it gives them a sloping edge. The same chamfer setting can be applied immediately to the next corner.
Every element must be manually adjusted to its new size via the Properties dialog, or when multiple elements are selected, the elements that are not to be scaled must be manually deselected. You use the mouse to select all elements that belong together and then call up the Group command from the menu or alternatively use the G key.
You simply select one of the grouped elements EPLAN automatically selects all the elements in the group. EPLAN removes the grouping and all elements are once more individually accessible.
Individual elements within a grouping can also be edited independently. The remaining group objects are not affected. In addition to inserting and drawing new elements, you can also copy and delete elements. In this menu, you can call up the functions Copy, Move, etc.
To use the functions on elements, you have to first select an element left mouse click and then select the function. EPLAN offers accurately scaled dimensioning, depending on the page scale that is set. Dimensioning types include, for example, continued dimension and radius dimension.
The procedure for dimensioning elements is just as simple as drawing the elements themselves. The various dimensioning methods will be illustrated with an example. This allows EPLAN to start precisely at the ends or the midpoints of elements, without you having to tediously try to reach the ends of a line, for example.
This usually cannot be done precisely. In this example, a rectangle will be dimensioned. EPLAN sets this point as the start of the dimensioning. For the dimensioning itself, there are a number of properties that can be called by doubleclicking the dimension itself. The Format tab is where you define the settings for dimension values, etc.
This does not affect the dimension lines. No numbering or coding system is used, so that the user can always see what the text is and does not need to look up a number in a text file to know which text entry the number refers to. Normal texts are texts that have no further functionality except their visual display. Translation of this type of text is possible without problems. Normal text should usually only be used to place text that does not need to be used in any other way, for example to provide extra information in a black box.
It is only possible to later change normal free text to function text by activating the Path function text selection box. Automatic path function text Fig. It is therefore advantageous to always work with path function texts, since subsequent conversion from normal texts to path function texts is possible, but requires unnecessary extra work.
If path function texts are generally to be used, the keyboard shortcut for free text should be redefined to path function text. In this case, the keyboard shortcut for normal free text should be set to a different keyboard shortcut.
Path function texts. But this might not be desired, for reasons of space or because the path function text is to apply equally to several devices. This way, it will not matter whether the insertion point is directly below the device or not.
It is sufficient if the path function text and the device are located in the same path the column. Note: But extending the reporting of text to the path can also result in the text being assigned to objects in the path where this is not wanted. Therefore, you need to be careful when using the Extend path function text on the schematic path. Special texts can be page property texts or project property texts.
They are generally used in forms project properties or in the plot frame page properties and less so as text on project pages. This way you can place text from the project properties or the page properties on pages. The following example clarifies this application. In the project properties, V AC for the main current voltage has been entered in Supplementary field [10].
This can save a lot of time in manually changing this information. You select text and press Enter key or a left click to open the dialog. The dialogs for normal text and path function text are the same.
Only the window title bar of the text input field has a different text type name. You enter text in the Text field. You can translate the text at this point, or remove the translation. A number of fields are also free input fields, such as the field for the Angle property. Here, you can select default values, such as the layer setting default for the angle, or enter your own values. Depending on the existing project languages, you can then select in the One language variable selection field the desired Displayed language.
This node contains properties, for example, to always limit the Width or Height of a text. These functions are very useful, especially for translations. This prevents translations from overlapping each other since the width of the text expansion can be limited. In this case, it does not matter whether it is pure text or device text. The procedure is always the same. You click the table and, while keeping the CTRL key pressed, turn the scroll wheel of the mouse.
Depending on the direction, the lines will increase or decrease in height, improving legibility. This means that, if you wanted to, you could set different line heights everywhere. Logical connections and reports can be generated based on components and their entered properties or assigned function definitions. In this dialog, you can select the appropriate symbol. You can either use direct entry List view , in which case you must have a certain amount of knowledge of identifiers, and enter the symbol names directly into the Direct entry field, or you can select the symbol selected from the list using the mouse.
Symbol selection list dialog Fig. EPLAN generally provides symbols with eight variants. As with many other dialogs, it is possible to set a filter in this dialog via the selection button. You can use the filters to display only Multi-line symbols or only a special Symbol library. In addition to the List view, the Symbol selection dialog also lets you select symbols from a tree view.
In contrast to the list view, symbols here are listed according to a structure. Depending on the application, a symbol can be found more quickly when you search, for example, for the motor overload switch symbol using plain text. Symbol selection tree dialog Fig. Here is where you find fields for the Displayed DT can be edited , the Full DT field can be edited indirectly via the selection button and the follow-up Full DT dialog where the DT is split into its elements, which can be edited individually , the Connection point designation selectable from the selection list , Connection point description selectable from the selection list , Technical characteristics, Function text of the symbol!
This box lets you decide whether this symbol is to be a main function can carry a part , or an auxiliary function does not contain parts data. The lower half of the Properties components [device type] dialog consists of the Property name and Value columns of the properties.
The button can be used to add new properties. Here, you can select a new property and then click OK to apply it in the Properties components dialog. All properties that are not gray in the Value column of this dialog can be changed. The Display tab also contains all elements for changing the display of the properties. In this case, you would open the Connection points tab in the property arrangement.
The toolbar can be used to insert new properties, move the sequence of properties, or dock and undock them. Docked properties are those that do not have a symbol in front of the property name. These properties are assigned to the next higher property that has a symbol. Now it is independent of the other properties and can be placed freely. Then, using the direction buttons, you move it to the end of the property arrangement.
The procedure is the same as with texts and will not be discussed further here. One example is the Activate leader line setting. The Activate leader line setting allows you to activate a leader line for each property displayed on a device.
A different angle variant of the symbol can be selected in the Variant field. You simply open the selection list and select the desired variant. All other fields Library, etc. All other fields are then derived automatically from the applied function definition. This may be necessary, for example, if you wish to create or represent an overview on a multi-line schematic page. In a targeted manner, you can change or adjust logical information such as Connection point type or the Number of targets, Potential type and much more for the individual connection point of a device.
This makes it possible, like with terminals, to use the same designation several times PE rail , and the check run will not find any duplicate connection point designations. Click the Part number field and then use the that appears to switch to parts management.
Parts management automatically closes after the part is applied. In addition to simple part selection, this dialog also has a Device selection button. In contrast to simple part selection, this will offer only devices for selection that fit the existing functions of the symbol in the project. Device selection is the preferred method. When automatically generated, they create visual and logical connections, e. Note: Inserting and filling out of the corresponding symbols for the crossreference display examples will not be explained at this point.
More details are available in the following sections. The auxiliary contacts physically belong to the motor overload switch or pushbutton switch symbol and, for the sake of clarity, should also be displayed at the switch.
In the following, a motor overload switch is inserted into the schematic. The motor overload switch initially has no auxiliary contact at the symbol. As such, this is not a problem, because EPLAN creates a report on the auxiliary contacts used in the schematic on the basis of the settings on the Display tab in the Contact image selection field the selection here is set to On component.
This way, the contacts used and their cross-references are displayed automatically. Not all auxiliary contacts are always used, and EPLAN would display the motor overload switch only with the auxiliary contacts used as graphical representation at the motor overload switch.
To display those contacts anyway, a device with the appropriate Function definition must be assigned to the Motor overload switch symbol. You open the properties of the symbol, switch to the Parts tab and click the Device selection button. Tip: The Settings button provides access to the settings defining how EPLAN should behave during device selection: whether existing function data is used or not; whether any other criteria of devices or functions are be taken into account, etc.
All these have to be taken into consideration during device selection. This is important to know because in certain situations this can result in devices not being displayed in the device selection. Back to device selection: EPLAN recognizes that the motor overload switch consists of the motor overload switch itself and a placed auxiliary contact considered a function. Now all parts that fit the selected motor overload switch including its used functions , i.
In the upper area of the Device selection function dialog, you can now select the right part and click to apply it. If you now leave the Symbol properties dialog by clicking the OK button, EPLAN will use the stored function definitions to graphically recreate the entire contact image for the auxiliary contacts.
It makes no difference whether the auxiliary contacts have been used in the schematic or not. But if you wish to, or must, deviate from this automatic setting, you can modify the item manually. In the Contact image position dialog that follows you can manually edit the position for the Y and X values.
Similar to the previous example, at first only the contacts used are automatically displayed in the contact image. The procedure is identical to that already described in the motor overload switch example. After device selection, the full contact image is displayed. If this does not occur, then the Contact image entry in the Display tab of the Symbol properties dialog must be checked. It must be set to the In path entry.
Every contact image can be individually moved it makes no difference whether the contact image type is On component or In path. You then click the contact image. You left click to place it in the desired position. But situations can arise where there are no parts with correct function templates. It is, after all, only because of the function templates that EPLAN knows, for example, that an illuminated pushbutton consists of several functions.
Using an illuminated pushbutton as an example, we will now see how contact images can be referenced to the interconnected functions even without parts. It is assigned a DT and is designated as a main function. The representation type of the lamp is set to Pair crossreference. Depending on how they are set or adjusted, they can influence device selection and thus the selection of parts.
This way, only parts will be offered for selection that match the identifying function data. Identifying function data is the data that is located on the tabs, e. General devices, Cable, Contactor, etc. If the Use available function data setting is disabled, you can select devices freely. This means that the function data available in the project at the function does not have to match the function data in the parts selection.
These can be window, page and symbol macros. Special macros are macros with value sets. These can be window and page macros. When using or creating macros exception: macros with value sets , it generally makes no difference whether it is a window macro on a multi-line page or a macro on a graphical page. Window macros can include single or multiple devices and objects within an area, or several items within a page.
To create a window macro, you first use the mouse to select the associated devices on the respective page. These may be individual devices or unrelated parts circuits on a project page. The first thing you should do is enter a descriptive file name for the window macro.
The macro directory is usually the companyspecific macro directory, but this can be changed if desired. The Select macro dialog opens.
Here you can select the desired variant or representation type from the default directory or a different macro directory by selecting a different directory in the Search in: selection field.
When you click Open, the macro will hang on the cursor and can be placed anywhere on the page. To summarize, window macros are only possible on one the same page but with different variations, such as the gathering of objects that do not all have to be within a single window. A window macro can also be the contents of the entire page all objects on the page.
The Move handle menu item lets you save a separately created handle base point with the macro. When you click the Move handle menu item EPLAN temporarily closes the Save as dialog, and you can define the handle by clicking with the left mouse button.
It is a good idea to enable the object snap setting here. This way, you can save many representations under one macro name. It is possible to have a macro for the multi-line representation type, one for the part placement and one for the single-line display.
– EPLAN Electric P8 Reference Handbook –
CVAVR User Manual 读书笔记 Eplan Schneider Electric P8的厂商部件库和宏,直接在P8中可用 About Us 关于我们 客户服务 联系方式 器件索引 网站地图 最新更新 手机版. 知识兔()是一家集教育培训、在线教育、考试服务的平台。. EPLAN Electric P8: Terminals: If a part EPLAN Platform: Page navigator: Removed manual page sorting. EPLAN Pro Panel: PDF export: The activated user-specific setting Update reports when printing and exporting resulted during the PDF export in all layout spaces of the project being exported irrespectively of which selection was made.